The Journal.

Branding & Business advice, with the odd bit of travel, personal, and photography thrown in for good measure.

Journalling for creators: leaving a personal legacy

Write your story. Celebrate your own life as you live it, create a deeper sense of purpose, and leave keys to understanding for the generations that will follow you.

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A new manifesto for work: creating with a sense of wonder, exploration, and fun.

One creator's manifesto for a new vision of work: with wonder, a playful spirit, an open mind, and a lot of discipline.

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The Originality Trap: how to overcome the need for original ideas as an entrepreneur

Originality and first-to-market can be a strength, but if we let that stop us from taking action, the world would be a rather boring place.

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I hate explaining what I do for work

I want to improve my confidence in being fine with being different. With being self-employed, never having had a "normal job." There are days though when I wish that people understood it easily, so I didn't have to explain myself and my work.

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I shut down my computer every night for 40 Days: here's what happened.

Your mind is racing, your eyes are tired, you can't quite function; but you have to keep going. Little time for sleep.Even when you finally sleep it is restless and interrupted, because you have so much going on around you that you can't ever completely turn off.

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I failed!

I made a decision: I wasn't going to let my desire for perfection in ticking off every single day overshadow the primary focus of the day, and one of my values: celebration and putting life over work.

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