I failed!

I made a decision: I wasn't going to let my desire for perfection in ticking off every single day overshadow the primary focus of the day, and one of my values: celebration and putting life over work.

In March when I enrolled in Ship 30 for 30, I knew that Easter would fall during this time, but was confident I could keep shipping over this celebratory weekend.

However, when Saturday rolled around my confidence waned.

As a struggling perfectionist, I hated the idea of skipping even one of the days.

Yet I was plunged into a day that is reserved for family and quiet preparation for one of the holiest days of the year for a Christian.

So I made a decision: I wasn't going to let my desire for perfection in ticking off every single day overshadow the primary focus of the day, and one of my values: celebration and putting life over work.

Not only Saturday, but I ended up taking Sunday off as well.

And you know what?

It didn't matter.

Because my goal in doing this challenge isn't to write for 30 days (and possibly never write again).

My goal is to create a writing habit, to refine my ideas, explore new ones, and begin a body of content which I can continue to build.

In addition, all my goals are in a hierarchy, with the highest one being to have an integrated life where my work and personal life flow effortlessly from eachother, with the important things in life at the top.

And this weekend, it was more important to me that I be present while my nieces and nephews came over to dye eggs, to do some spring cleaning, to bake a carrot cake for the feast, and to be fully present at the vigil celebration.

So while I didn't ship, I did live.

And to this recovering perfectionist, that's better than 30 days of ticked boxes.