Life Optimization and the apparent failure of God: Good Friday edition.
“You know, there’s a certain danger when you get deep into the optimize-your-life mindset. Getting up at 4:30 is great, but at the end of your life it’s not going to matter as much as how you loved people, how you made them feel, what good you did for them.”
read more.Beauty reconsidered: why we need to reclaim beauty to transform society.
What I propose is that instead of being an afterthought, or something we reserve for special occasions, Beauty is a value that we use to guide our decisions in daily life.
read more.Beauty & Utility: Choosing beauty for an exalted life.
Living our lives surrounded by beauty, choosing beautiful versions of even the most mundane items we use everyday, can give us a constant stream of exaltation.
read more.What I learned about business from singing in a choir
In just 2 months of singing in a choir I’ve learned so much about collaboration, leadership, working under pressure and other things relative to running a business.
read more.What comes before "first lines:" On beginning.
We are surrounded with examples of results. The beautiful outcome. The finished play. The painting that hangs on our living room wall. The perfectly-crafted first line of a masterpiece.What we don’t see are messy beginnings.
read more.The One-Concept Approach for Logo Design and Branding: Why I Don't Use It
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